Evergreen Stands with the People of Ukraine
We believe our listeners deserve truth in journalism, reliable sources, and well-vetted stories. From daily impartial coverage of the ongoing war in Ukraine, to deeper conversations with political experts and heroes in the field — Evergreen’s News and Politics podcasts offer a reliable and factual voice amid a storm of hyper-editorialized reporting on stories like the Russian war on Ukraine.
Subscribe to the following shows for award-winning perspectives on stories affecting you.
Five Minute News
Stay with Anthony Davis, who delivers independent, unbiased and essential world news, daily. On February 25, 2020 he reports 137 dead in Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russians arrested as they protest Ukraine attack, and more.
Burn the Boats
We interviewed Oliya Scootercaster right before Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine. Oliya is a Ukrainian Video Journalist who has lived and reported around the globe, but recently returned to her hometown of Kyiv to document the ongoing conflict with Russia.
West Wing Reports
Join Paul Brandus in what’s sure to be ongoing deep coverage on the devastating realities of the full scale invasion of Ukraine by Putin and Russia. Paul shares the news affecting YOU from Washington — your money, your job, your life, reported fairly and accurately.
February 25th, 2022: War in Ukraine | Evergreen Podcasts
Red Line in the Sand
Take a deeper look with Episode 5 of A Red Line in the Sand, a companion podcast to the book of the same title. Join author David Andelman as he surveys Russia and its past and present environs: Estonia, Ukraine, Georgia, East Berlin, and more. He explores Vladimir Putin’s ambitions and their impact on his neighbors and the world.
Chapter 5: Soviet Union to Russian Empire | Evergreen Podcasts
In addition, read David’s latest column, “Somebody needs to give Putin a history lesson [like me!]”
Vladimir Putin fancies himself a historian, or certainly a historical figure -- one destined to rewrite or restore history in his own image. Now, with the might of the Russian military machine behind him, he has begun what could turn into as bloody a rampage as any in Russia's historical past.
How Can You Help?
Here's what you can do to help the people in Ukraine right now!
How to Help People in Ukraine Right Now
Here's how you can help the people of Ukraine
Global Citizen
9 Meaningful Ways You Can Help Ukraine (globalcitizen.org)