Who goes camping in the hot sticky mess of July? Joel Cheesman, that's who.
No worries, we have a smooth operator filing in for the Master of Cheese this week. Crazy and The King Podcast co-host, Executive Director of Disability Solutions, all-around badass, and my wife Julie Sowash joins as we tackle questions like:
- Is Indeed the following Monster off a cliff?
- Is Doximity showing Dice how to evolve?
- Will the pandemic really drive any real change?
- Is Allyn Bailey right about "The Great Awakening"?
- Who is happy robots are taking the shitty jobs?
- and does weed make you faster?
It's the craziest market we will ever experience - so stop, listen, and participate :)
Don't forget to visit our friends over at Sovren, Jobvite, and JobAdX. They are the wind beneath our... well... you get the idea.