Inspired by the Holy Spirit

Do you know the Holy Spirit and His ways? Have you heard of him? He is your helper, given as a gift from God. Join host, Lisa Weber, and learn how the Holy Spirit has impacted her life and how He can transform your own.

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Introducing: Journey of Grace

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The Dream of the Forks

Journey of Grace
Lisa shares her story of The Dream of the Forks and its meaning. Listen in to better understand how God may want to speak to you in the night. Le...
Listen to The Dream of the Forks

Yielded to progress

Journey of Grace
Colleen joins Lisa from Columbus, Ohio to talk of her being ready, after several decades in Christianity, to leave behind the deadness of religiou...
Listen to Yielded to progress

Death was waiting

Journey of Grace | E:1
In our first episode, Lisa details the story of her own appointed time with God. Through His intervention, she was delivered from death.  God has...
Listen to Death was waiting

How fast can one fall?

Journey of Grace | E:2
Lisa talks with Chris, a Midwest tech exec, on his rise, fall, and rise again of success. He shares how his appointed time with God came in the mi...
Listen to How fast can one fall?