West Coast Gamblers

The Only Gambling Podcast That Makes You Money

Welcome to the West Coast's premier sports gambling podcast! Join Drue, Dangles, and Tony as they compete against the bookie as well as each other.

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The Team

Tony Cavallo

Host & Producer
As a Bostonian Packers fan living in LA, "Tony Squares" has yet to meet an over he didn't like.

Matt Dangelantonio

Host & Producer
A proud New Englander who found his way to LA, "Dangles" has a winning record despite being the newest to sports betting, having placed his first in-person bet at 28 yrs. old.

Drue Crookston

Host & Producer
Drue placed & won his first bet at 13 yrs. old when his beloved Michigan Wolverines, led by Tom Brady, beat ‘Bama in the ’00 Orange Bowl. 21 yrs. later, Drue’s still cashing bets and Tom Brady’s still playing QB.