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Privateer Racer and 2022 450 Outdoor Motocross Competitor - Matt Burkeen
Privateer Racer and 2022 450 Outdoor Motocross Competitor Matt Burkeen talks about racing with his two stroke YZ250, competing in nationals, and his recent vlogging endeavors (see here).
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[00:00:15.370] - Dave Sulecki
Welcome to Pit Pass Moto, the show that keeps you up to speed on the latest in motorcycling and brings the biggest names in the motorcycle industry right to you. I'm Dave Sulecki.
[00:00:24.370] - Dale Spangler
I'm Dale Spangler. And this week, our guest, his two stroke Motocross privateer, Matt Burkeen. Moto America is an official sponsor of Pit Pass Moto. The 2022 Moto America season has only one action packed round remaining. Who will be crowned the 2022 Superbike Champion? Jake Gagne or Danilo Petrucci? Find out at the final round showdown September 23 through the 25th at Barber Motorsports Park outside Birmingham, Alabama. Get your tickets now at or watch practice, qualifying and races on the Moto America Live+ video on demand streaming service. Get your tickets and reserve a camping spot at And follow Moto America on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
[00:01:19.590] - Dave Sulecki
We'd like to give a Pit Pass Moto welcome to Matt Burkeen. He is number 820, a privateer racer, competed in the 2022 450 outdoor motocross season in a unique way because Matt wrote a two stroke YZ 250 in the series. And really a compelling and interesting story, Matt, and we really want to thank you for coming on the show today.
[00:01:41.680] - Matt Burkeen
Thank you guys for having me. I really appreciated you guys reaching out.
[00:01:45.730] - Dave Sulecki
Matt, hats off to you for your efforts to compete in the Nationals. It was such an interesting story and thoroughly enjoyed your Vlog that you put out on YouTube, and you're a very interesting young man and got a good sense of humor. And it really comes across. Where did the idea to do this this year? Where did that come from?
[00:02:05.680] - Matt Burkeen
Well, I've kind of always thought it would be cool to do the Nationals on the two stroke. I've been riding only a two stroke for about the last three and a half years or so, and my girlfriend and I, whenever we got together, we always thought that it would be cool to do a national. But we never really thought it would happen because for the longest time, the Yamaha 250 wasn't homologated for pro racing. But this year, since 2022, the YC 250 had a few little upgrades. I think that made Yamaha more inclined to pay the fee for homologation. So this year, the 2022 was legal for pro racing. So I at that point, just had to get my hands on a 22, which was kind of hard to do just because of supply and all that stuff nowadays. But I was able to get a 22 and then just started trying to put some sponsors together and just really wanted to do it for a long time. And now that the bike was legal, I really just wanted to pull the trigger on it. And I actually got hurt a month before with a pretty good shoulder injury, but I just wanted to do it too bad.
[00:03:05.090] - Matt Burkeen
So we kind of just soldiered through.
[00:03:07.440] - Dave Sulecki
Well, you're definitely a tough guy to go out there and do that against those 450s, your efforts. You're a genuine private tier, I think, in the truest sense of the word. You show up with you, it's your girlfriend or some other help in your pickup truck, and you unload with an easy up and just kind of takes me back to those days when there were a lot of you guys at the racetrack and going up against 40 or more riders and make it into the program has got to be pretty satisfying, I would imagine.
[00:03:34.690] - Matt Burkeen
Yeah, it definitely was satisfying, and especially just because this year, in my opinion, and pretty much everybody else that I talked to, like, this was one of the most stacked years in everyone's memory because really no factory guys were out. And then by the end of the year, there was more factory guys coming back for the last four rounds. So it was definitely satisfying to be able to put it into the mains, especially on the two stroke. And like, I would watch the Lcqs every weekend and there was great riders in them every weekend. I mean, there'd be two national number of guys in them and just tons of guys that are awesome riders that have no business being in an LCQ. So it was definitely satisfying as far as the set up and going in a pickup and all, it is total private tier, but it's honestly kind of all I know. That's kind of like how I grew up racing, just going in the truck with a couple of bikes and just racing as many classes as I can. And that's kind of what I do every weekend around where I live. I just race locally, wherever.
[00:04:28.360] - Matt Burkeen
So this summer was kind of just me doing what I always do, just on a lot bigger scale.
[00:04:32.570] - Dale Spangler
Yeah, that was going to be one of my questions. What was your primary objective with this? Because it seemed like the main thing was just to have a really good time. Kind of like a bucket list thing for you to do, because I thought, sorry, you did some Nationals in 2014, you did another one in 2018, and there's kind of a gap and then all of a sudden you chose this year. But again, to go back to, it just seems like your whole approach was to just be fun, go with the flow, kind of experience it again like a bucket list type of summer, I guess you could say. Would that be the case?
[00:05:04.490] - Matt Burkeen
Yeah, bucket list is like the exact word we had kind of used because I wanted to do it for a while and like, really our main goal was if we could just go and qualify, we were happy for the day. Obviously, I tried the best I could in the motives, but qualifying was just the main goal. Once I was in the races. It was kind of just gravy to like. Any spot that I did better than the week before was kind of just a little bonus. But the main objective was qualifying and going and having a blast doing it and kind of an unintended consequence of the summer was kind of like the growth of the YouTube because at first my girlfriend had just started filming me racing and then she suggested. Hey. Maybe we should put that on YouTube. People would probably like it. And it didn't really grow for like a year, a year and a half. But then when we were doing this, we kind of just had a unique way of going about it. And as you guys said, it's like total private tiers. So we kind of figured people would be into it.
[00:05:59.720] - Matt Burkeen
So we didn't really plan it out to gain this much of a following, as cool as it is. But we were kind of just like, hey, it'd be cool to blog and share the experience and let's do it. We didn't have any master plan or anything like that, but it definitely turned out to be better than I would have expected on that front.
[00:06:18.190] - Dale Spangler
Yeah, definitely. Well, it seemed like, as you said, it kind of started to snowball as the season went along. And I'd have to say, though, the high point of your season has to be unidilla where you narrowly edged out Chase sections for the win in moto two. So tell us about that.
[00:06:34.470] - Matt Burkeen
Yeah, no kidding. I mean, to go from 30th to 35th places and then to get a win, that was nice. But in all seriousness, the first motive of my season at High Point, I actually kind of waited for Chase. And to be honest with you guys, it was for me to get off the track because I was so tired. So I finished right behind Chase and I saw it on TV and I was like, dang, I should have at least revved up the two smoked something. So in the back of my mind, I kind of thought, if I'm finishing with the winner again, I got to do something. So I saw Chase coming in like the last half of I kind of tried to time it to where we would finish together just because I hadn't really done anything else good that day. So I figured I would just try to do something. And I know Chase a little bit and he got a kick out of it too, so I knew it would be on TV and I figured it would be kind of funny. But whenever I got back to the truck, my phone was just blowing up.
[00:07:30.790] - Matt Burkeen
So it was definitely a funny kind of in the moment thing to do. I don't really know where it came from, but it's just kind of who I am. Just not taking my 35th place finish too seriously, I guess.
[00:07:42.870] - Dale Spangler
No, I absolutely loved it. I thought it was brilliant. And as you said, there's a bunch of other racers like Chase commented on your post and I think AP did and just a whole bunch of riders were just seemed like they were totally behind you on that and I love how you did the fist pump right next to them so it couldn't have been any better. And the crowd response has been, as you mentioned, absolutely incredible. Seems like everybody's just getting behind you when you're going up the starting line. You read the two strokes and you got people yelling for you. So tell us about that experience. I mean, that had to be maybe a little bit expected but also unexpected at the same time. Just as we said, it's kind of snowballed and you've gained a lot of new followers out of it.
[00:08:21.530] - Matt Burkeen
Yeah, I definitely knew that the fans would love the two stroke because kind of the day that sparked me thinking it would be cool to race on the two stroke is when I did the national in 2018 at Muddy Creek on the site lap, I was right behind Stank dog and it was just crazy, like how wild the fans were going for him. So I was like, man, I'd be cool one day for me to be that guy. So just starting off right away at High point, the first site lapse of the first photo was insane. I had like goosebumps and chills running down me and I couldn't believe how many people were hollering and air horns and all that. I honestly didn't even really look at the track like my first site lap because it was just like so overwhelming and so cool. But like I said, I knew it was going to be good but it turned out to be even better than I thought, especially the following on the social and the YouTube that snowballed even way further than I would have ever imagined. So at this point I just got to try to keep it going.
[00:09:19.740] - Matt Burkeen
I guess now that we're in the off season, it's not quite as easy because I don't have Nationals to go to every weekend, but I definitely want to try to keep it going because I don't want to just give up all the growth that we've done this year.
[00:09:30.530] - Dave Sulecki
No doubt you can feel the groundswell of the two stroke faithful following you around the track and imagine on social media too, just loading up the comments and sending in a lot of love. I want to ask you about Buds Creek because I thought that was a pretty grueling weekend for you where you raised the national on Saturday and then you hung around Sunday to race the amateur day and you actually got to go up against Hayden Deegan who is the anointed one, the future of the sport. And I thought it was great because it checked your speed and there's no doubt you're a legit fast guy and had to make you feel pretty good about that after that weekend. But at the same time, racing six moto's on Sunday after racing two moto, nationals on Saturday had to be pretty rough. What was that weekend like for you?
[00:10:19.710] - Matt Burkeen
That was probably like, one of the hardest weekends of my entire life. Buds creek, the national on Saturday was like the first hot race of the entire year. So just Saturday alone took quite a bit out of me. But the Sunday amateur today, it was a pro am, and the pro AMS have, like, decent payouts. So before I even heard anything about Deegan racing, I kind of had already had my mind set on staying and racing to try to make some extra money. And then whenever I heard that Deacon would be there. That actually cemented my decision to for sure stay and race just because. A. I knew it would be good for our video staying and racing with Deegan. I knew it would attract a lot of eyes to my channel. And b. I thought it would be good because hopefully if I wrote how I was expecting to ride. I would be included in their footage too. Which I was hoping to battle with Hayden. So that ended up working out pretty well. And then also racing with even Hayden and Daxon Bannock as well. They're like ten years younger than me. So I thought it was a good opportunity to kind of learn from those guys and kind of learn from their intensity and one thing that they were doing a lot better than me that I don't really focus on a whole lot.
[00:11:27.530] - Matt Burkeen
That it's nice to know things like this when you raise people like this. But they were scrubbing a lot better than me. Which obviously then being younger and a little more exuberant. It kind of makes some sense. So I like to raise people like that that I think might be a little better than me, just so I can kind of see where I'm not as good and that'll help me get better for the future. I heard a few people actually, at bud street that didn't want to stay and race the program because Deegan was racing, and that just doesn't make any sense to me, because if he beats you, it's just a chance to see where he's better than you.
[00:11:58.350] - Dave Sulecki
Yeah, for sure. And that actually makes me want to ask another question. Is because you're not in such a crowded field. You've got less riders around you. And it's a little more open. You can actually kind of work on your skills is what you're describing is kind of dial yourself in a little better than the day before at the national. Where it's just all out for 30 minutes plus two. Just trying to get through a moto.
[00:12:21.280] - Matt Burkeen
Yes. And it's a little different too, because the main thing that I struggled with at the nationals was just how rough the tracks were. And on Sunday for amateur day, it was a lot more like I'm used to. It's kind of more of an amateur rough. So I think more than anything, it was just a way to try to ramp my intensity back up. Because during the 30 plus two S all summer, I really felt like my sprint speed as far as multiple apps at a time had kind of gone away because I was pretty good at one lap at a time and qualifying, but in the motives, the tracks were just so gnarly. I was having a really tough time getting a flow and even attacking at all. So I think it was really just a different set of skills I was working on. And then, obviously, like I was saying before, just the people I was racing with, I really enjoyed being able to learn from them as well.
[00:13:05.990] - Dave Sulecki
So it makes me want to ask then, I know you raised Nationals back in 14, you wrote a 250 F and you kind of described that as a bit of a grind, I think, in the interview I saw. But I guess when I ask you, is there a major difference between the competition and the tracks back then as compared to 2022 this season and honestly had some of the most epic great events and weather and competition on the track? But all that aside, is there a big difference in the difficulty of the tracks or even the level of competition?
[00:13:37.530] - Matt Burkeen
So I've kind of been thinking about this all year. It's been eight years, so it's been quite a while. And I remember all the tracks being really gnarly, but maybe it's just me, but I didn't remember them being this gnarly. I felt like they were super rough this year, but that also could be just because I've been off for so long and then doing it on a two stroke isn't exactly the easiest thing either. So that might make it just feel a little bit harder compared to ride before stroke. And then as far as the competition, I think the main thing is just that nobody was really hurt this year. That was the biggest thing. Like, the whole top 20 was like, all factory guys where when I was doing it in 2014, a few privateers were able to squeak their way into the top 20, like every weekend, where this year, like, uni, for example, when Ferrandis and Malcolm and Dean came back, I think Dino and Malcolm were like 22nd and 23rd in practice or something like that. And if you look at 2021, there were guys that were qualifying top 20 every week that had to go to a few LCQ this year.
[00:14:37.380] - Matt Burkeen
So I feel like the competition kind of comes and goes from year to year, and I think this is just a tough year.
[00:14:43.890] - Dale Spangler
That to me just makes it even more impressive that you qualified on a two stroke 250. And so I'm curious to know what you did with your YZ 250 to make it so competitive summer. That thing just sounds so crisp. And as Dave mentioned, I mean, you're qualifying, getting some of these the fastest riders out there, and you're making it in into the motors directly out of qualifying, so you had some juice, that's for sure. So tell us a little bit about what you did to the bike to make it run with those four hundred.
[00:15:11.930] - Matt Burkeen
And fifty s. To be completely honest with you guys. It actually doesn't have that much juice because my main objective was that I needed it to run all summer. And if I completely beefed it up. It might be a little more temperamental and might not last for the whole summer. So I really just tried to get a bike that would be consistent and would run good, like everywhere I went. So really all I had was kind of a lightheaded cylinder job from JMS in Indiana. He's done a lot of my Yamaha work for a long time, and he built a really good, reliable bike. So he just did a light headed cylinder job for me. And then we had the fourth raids and an FMF pipe, and that's it as far as components. And then one other thing that I learned towards the end of the season was in qualifying, I started running the soup tire every week, and being that I was already underpowered and the tracks were deep in the morning, I feel like that was almost better than any bike mod I even had. But as far as the bike, that's all.
[00:16:10.740] - Matt Burkeen
And then RaceTech suspension with the RaceTech gold valves, that was done by Maynard racing performance, and other than that, that's it though.
[00:16:19.030] - Dale Spangler
Wow, that makes it even more impressive. We'll get back to the conversation in one moment, but first, here's a word from our sponsor. I think I noticed where at one I think it was Millville where you ended up having a bike issue. And did you find that you kind of had to be with this whole being on the road, traveling in a pickup truck, did you have to be resourceful along the way? Like, how was it kind of a scramble to fix your bike and you end up still making it to wash Google? It seems like you're just kind of doing what you had to do fully, living the private life.
[00:16:50.670] - Matt Burkeen
Yeah, that basically encompasses it perfectly. It was definitely a scramble to do everything. I actually went on the way to Millville with the motor was not even close to put together, only the bottom end was in it. I had to stop off in Indiana on the way to Millville to get the head and cylinder, and then I drove to Millville and then we put the bike together in a friend's trailer the night before Millville, and then we went to go test it and we actually had some power valve issues. So I actually didn't have the bike together until at 09:00 at night, the night before Millville, and we still didn't even have a hotel yet. Like, no dinner or anything like that. So it kind of just was do whatever it takes kind of situation. But, I mean, I wouldn't have really traded it for anything. It's not like I was just going to give up. I was all the way in Belleville, so whatever we needed to do to raise, we were going to do it.
[00:17:40.740] - Dave Sulecki
And that's one of the things I think I mentioned it comes across in your video blog, is your eternal optimism and upbeat attitude towards no matter what's coming at you. I know you had that bad shock problem at Iron Man, and what you just described going into Millville, it's just you've got this positive attitude. No matter what, I'm going racing, and it is what it is, and I'm having fun doing it. I love it. It's infectious.
[00:18:02.740] - Matt Burkeen
Yeah, that's what it's all about to me. I appreciate the kind words. Like I said earlier, I think I've just been racing locally every weekend as well for the last I don't even know how many years. I've had a few injuries in the past, and I've kind of taken some sabbaticals from racing from time to time, but I always end up finding my way back to it. It's so much fun, and I just have so much passion for it. And now, I mean, every weekend my girlfriend and I just load up the truck and go to whatever race we can find to try to make a couple of bucks and have a good time. And that's kind of our way of life. It's how I grew up, and it's how I love to keep doing things for as long as I can. I'm getting a little older, but there are some local guys around here that are 50 plus that's still rip, so my goal is to try to make it to as far as they've gotten.
[00:18:47.190] - Dave Sulecki
You're definitely talking to a couple of those guys right now, man. You mentioned your girlfriend, and I saw in a few of the videos your girlfriend's dad are both racing now, and you guys have actually filmed some of that where you've gone to the track. They've always been doing that. Is that how you guys met, or how did that come about?
[00:19:04.050] - Matt Burkeen
No, I think her dad, he's been around three bikes and all that kind of stuff for a lot of his life. And my girlfriend, her family, they were from California, so they grew up riding. It like Glamis and stuff like that, like Elsinore. They rode whenever they lived out west, and then they moved here when they were I want to say my girlfriend was like ten or eleven, and they actually used to race a lot of the same series and a lot of the same races. But I raced, and we're about the same age, and I never met her until like two years and some change ago, so I don't know where my head was at. I don't know if I was just actually focused on racing or what, but apparently they were around the whole time and I just didn't notice. But I don't think they had been riding very much before I met her. I think they had kind of slowed down on it and then whenever her and I got together and obviously her dad being a huge fan, he started coming to the races too, and I think that kind of like, responsive in him.
[00:20:00.620] - Matt Burkeen
And last year it was his first race in like ten or twelve years or something like that that I ended up taking them to. And then after that one, he's done a handful of them last year and this year, so it's definitely cool to have both of them involved. And then my girlfriend just got a new KX 112. She's been having some problems with getting it to run right. I don't know if those things come a little messed up from the factory with the getting or what, but as soon as we get her out and with that, she's going to be hitting the local scene with me too. So it's honestly a dream come true to go racing with them too. We have a lot of fun.
[00:20:32.330] - Dale Spangler
Yes, I watched the video you just put out recently from the local race and all of you racing, and I'm curious to know what it felt like to race that YZ 450 after racing that two stroke all summer. What are your thoughts on that? Would you feel like you're cheating a little bit or I imagine it had to be a little bit eye opening for you.
[00:20:50.050] - Matt Burkeen
For me, to be honest with you, it was a bit of a give and take because obviously the power is to die for. I mean, when you want it, it's there and more. But being that I've been on only a two stroke for the last three and a half years, the weight is really getting me right now. And also it's a used bike, so I bought it with somebody else's suspension set up on it. So I've been struggling a little bit with the suspension and I'm not quite as comfortable on it yet just because I've had so much more time on the two stroke lately. But first impressions are definitely not bad. I like the bike a lot. I think I can go pretty similar speed on both right now. It's just so much easier to do it on the 450. And that's the one thing that I think I've noticed since I got this 450, is just how much easier it is and it kind of makes sense to me now. That why I was struggling so much to do 30 plus two is on those national tracks and then all those other guys had so much more in the tank.
[00:21:42.900] - Matt Burkeen
I mean, I feel like my heart rate is probably 25, 30 beats lower on the 450. But I kind of make up for it with arm pump because I think heavy and fast.
[00:21:52.190] - Dale Spangler
So it's almost like riding with one arm tied behind your back a little bit on that two stroke. But no, I mean, I think again, it just kind of goes back to how much effort you put into it. It just makes it that much more impressive when I hear these kind of behind the scenes stories. But anyways, changing direction a little bit. I wanted to ask this question because I feel like this summer had to be just a summer of experiences for you. And so I'm wondering what was one of the craziest things you experienced at one of these outdoor Nationals? Either there at the national or on the way. Like, I saw the funny story where, like, the window fell out of Superfan Greg's pickup truck. And I'm like, I mean, it seems like there's probably all kinds of strange things happening at the track. I know personally, when I pulled into the track at one year at Redbud, there was porta potties that were smoking in the background because the partying was so out of control the night before. So I'm just kind of curious, from your perspective, what are some of the funnest things you experienced during the summer?
[00:22:47.190] - Matt Burkeen
There's a few things that come to mind. Literally, right when I got to High Point, my first national of the year, the first thing I did was take my wheels off to go get some tires from Dummy and it was kind of windy and high points parking isn't that great? So I strapped my bike to the stand with a couple of tie straps and I figured, all right, if the bike is going to go, everything's going with it. And I went to get my tires, went to do tech inspection and all that. And I came back and my bike was just upside down with the stand still attached to it. And it like tweaked the whole front end and had changed grips. I don't understand how all this stuff happened just from the bike falling over in the pits, but that was like my welcome to the Nationals right there and then. Let's see. Definitely my car falling off at Melville was one of the craziest things I've experienced. I just over jumped the jump and the bike just cut right off. Definitely not ever had anything like that happen before. Let me think. Definitely the window story with Super Fan, he had just let me drive.
[00:23:50.820] - Matt Burkeen
And his window, I don't know what's wrong with it, but you're not supposed to open it. And I didn't know this, and I started to open it and the window came almost all the way out of the frame and I was having to hold on to it for dear life. Going 80 down the highway literally got more. Arm pump holding that window than anything else I did the rest of the year. So that was pretty gnarly. Speaking of super fans, truck, we actually took it to a money race in the rain in Pennsylvania. I loaded up at the hotel and literally all I did was shut the passenger door. And as soon as I shut the passenger door, a section of his back window just exploded. So just stuff like that. Just some random stuff that happens to me. I don't know why it never fails to be an eventful journey, but we're always working with challenges, that's for sure.
[00:24:39.050] - Dave Sulecki
We'll definitely keep that optimism up and you'll get through just about anything that can go wrong at the racetrack. So I wanted to ask you, Matt, what's your daytime gig get you through the week? And I understand you also do some rider training, if you want to talk about that too.
[00:24:55.060] - Matt Burkeen
So I was working at a local dealer for a while, but this year I ended up leaving. So this winter I was just racing a bunch of arenacross and then just training kids and doing riding schools, mostly fulltime. And then this summer during the Nationals, that was actually way more of a fulltime gig than I would have expected, just with keeping everything together and making sure I have parts and doing all the logistics and everything like that. So that was kind of my full time thing this summer. And then now I'm back to trying to do some riding schools again and just hitting all the money race I can find. Yesterday I went to Pennsylvania to try to do one. I think I've got another one this weekend around the house. And really the plan is just to be racing somewhere every weekend, trying to get you out of contingency and trying to get whatever money that they'll pay out around me. I'm definitely going to be chasing it.
[00:25:44.770] - Dave Sulecki
Definitely look forward to seeing that. And wanted to take one last question before we wrap up here today is racers always have a riding number, and there's generally always a story behind it. Is there a story behind the eight 20 or maybe your old number, the eight two six that you run on your bike?
[00:26:03.360] - Matt Burkeen
The eight two six was actually just because we couldn't get the 820, and the 820, it was just back in the day, way back in the day, I did the World Mini Grand Prix. I think it was run by NMA rather than the AMA, and I think there was something weird with the numbers back then. I used to be number 31, and I started as number eleven, and for whatever reason, I needed a three digit number, and I guess it just ended up being 820 and it just kind of stuck. I don't know, I've just always kind of liked how it looked, and at this point I've had it so long that it's kind of my trademark, so it wouldn't really feel right to have.
[00:26:39.940] - Dave Sulecki
Anything else, you know, and I would agree. I think that's become your image and you should carry that on, and it's awesome. Definitely look for the 820 out there on the racetrack, for sure. So we want to take these last few moments, Matt, if you don't mind. If there's anybody you want to give shout outs to, any sponsors that are helping you along the way, I definitely.
[00:26:56.930] - Matt Burkeen
Would like to thank HBI Auto that's my title sponsor Billy came on to help me this year, and he was a huge help me with each round. So very thankful for him. Also my mom and dad, my whole family, my girlfriend, her dad greg south of Border MX freedom MX Real Inc. Graphics john Knowles at scott goggles Big thank you to him for coming on towards the end of the year. Triumph of Harrison Bird FMF. Fox Kenny Dave fox miserable Clothing. Dean hushing Installation, peters Auto Mall. They helped me with a loan or truck to get to Millville Moschool. So huge thank you to them. It wouldn't have been possible without them. Central Virginia exterminating American Label technology Devil dringe. MX victory Sports Racing Race text Maynard Racing Performance JMS Scotty Long brad Godfrey David Brazil the Straighter Family my buddy Matt Saw let me use some suspension for the first couple rounds so I didn't have to run my stock stuff. My buddy Chase Lake Lee to let me stay at his place in Oregon for washugal my buddy out for the help for Millville mechanic air Wheelies Only MX Tire my boy Nick Hayes for helping me get the bike, the red Bud and I think that should be everybody, but if I somehow forgot anybody, I'm very sorry and I really appreciate it.
[00:28:22.100] - Matt Burkeen
I don't know how I could forget, but if I did, sorry. But thank you very much.
[00:28:26.110] - Dave Sulecki
Yeah, no worries, definitely. And these are the companies that are helping guys like Matt, so definitely check them out. And you're easier to find on social media, Matt, I think, just on Instagram, Matt Burkin and definitely splashed all over YouTube, so those are the best places to find you, I suppose.
[00:28:40.980] - Matt Burkeen
Yes, sir. If you search Matt Burkin on really anything, I should be the person that comes up. I don't think I'm quite big enough to have too many imposters out there, so if you search my name, you should find me.
[00:28:51.900] - Dave Sulecki
Awesome. Well, thanks again, Matt. We appreciate you coming on and sharing your story, and it was wonderful to have you, man. Appreciate your time.
[00:28:58.620] - Matt Burkeen
It was fun to chat. Thank you.
[00:29:11.650] - Dave Sulecki
If you enjoyed this episode, make sure to follow Pitpassmoto on your favorite podcast app so you never miss an episode. If you have a moment, please rate and review us. We'd really appreciate it. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and visit Or you can check out our blog, Listen to past episodes and also get your pit pass swag. This has been a production of Evergreen Podcasts. A special thank you to Tommy Boy Halverson, producer Leah Haslage and the production team at Wessler Media. I'm Dave Sulecki.
[00:29:44.170] - Dale Spangler
I'm Dale Spengler. See you next week on Pit Pass Moto.
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