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It seems like we have been talking about the candidate experience forever, and while some employers have made progress in improving things, there is still a long way to go. One of the issues has always been the lack of a recognised model to explain and then consequently strategically address the candidate experience.
I was therefore delighted to hear that Exaqueo, Career Crossroads and The Talent Board have been working in partnership with several Fortune 500 employers to develop a new employee lifecycle and candidate experience model. To tell us all about this, my guest this week is Susan LaMotte, Founder and CEO of Exaqueo.
In the interview, we discuss:
• Process versus experience
• Phases of the candidate experience
• The unification of candidate experience and employee experience
• Why so few employers are fixing their candidate experience
• Measurement
• Source of influencer versus source of hire
• Talking points and messaging for employee referrals
• Employer Brand
Susan also talks about the role of technology and the importance of the Candidate Experience Awards.
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