Demolition Unit on D-Day: ENS Nathan Irwin
Warriors In Their Own Words | S:2 E:106
ENS Irwin was tasked with destroying obstacles during the Invasion of Normandy....
Listen to Demolition Unit on D-Day: ENS Nathan Irwin
Blowing a Path Through Omaha Beach: BM1 Nelson Dubroc
Warriors In Their Own Words | S:2 E:103
BM1 Dubroc served in the Normandy Invasion with a Naval Combat Demolition Unit....
Listen to Blowing a Path Through Omaha Beach: BM1 Nelson Dubroc
Hitting the Beach On D-Day
Warriors In Their Own Words | S:1 E:6
On June 6, 1944, the Allies launched the largest amphibious military assault in history known as D-Day. More than 150,000 American, British and Ca...
Listen to Hitting the Beach On D-Day