A lot can happen in 7 minutes...

Storyteller Aaron Calafato uses 7 minute vignettes to share his memories, explore his psyche and attempt to make sense of the world.

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Guest Storyteller: Shannon Cason

| E:36

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S4 E34: The Milli Vanilli of Violinists

7 Minute Stories | S:4 E:34
The story of how Aaron became the Milli Vanilli of his youth orchestra!...
Listen to S4 E34: The Milli Vanilli of Violinists

S4 E33: Becoming Gordon Bombay

7 Minute Stories | S:4 E:33
After crossing paths with his childhood soccer coach, Aaron discovers he has more in common with Gordon Bombay, the fictional character from Might...
Listen to S4 E33: Becoming Gordon Bombay

Mighty Ducks

7 Minute Stories | S:4
In this bonus episode, there's something that Cori and Aaron can't seem about the 90s movie classic the Mighty Ducks. Plus, a new 7MS preview....
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S4 E32: The Elderly Woman at Church

7 Minute Stories | S:4 E:32
This week, Aaron explores his childhood church aversion and a transformative friendship that taught him the power of understanding....
Listen to S4 E32: The Elderly Woman at Church