Title: Delivering Trust and Confidence
This episode of the Information Security Podcast features a conversation with Kurt Van Etten @kurtvanetten from RedSeal and host Rob Nettgen (@Robert_Nettgen). This episode discusses the process of enabling a Security Team with the capability of “Delivering Trust and Confidence” within their organizations.
Key Discussion Points and Actionable Items:
- Recognition that a Security Team has a requirement to establish credibility within their respective organizations
- Requirement to establish metrics, via frameworks, so benchmarks can be used to validate the activities of the Security Team
- Importance of managing expectations and communicating across the organization
- Communicating to establish the level of risk, via the Executive Management Team, an organization is willing to assume to guide investments in security
- How critical it is to establish the threat landscape of your organization
- Leveraging tabletop exercises to establish the capability to effectively respond to an incident.
Sponsored By:
ASMGi (@ASMGi_CLE) and https://www.asmgi.com/
Briteskies (@NoBrownCow) and https://www.briteskies.com/
Recorded and Production By:
Evergreen Podcasts (@StreamEvergreen) at https://evergreenpodcasts.com/ and production assistance provided by Frank Yako (@fyako).
Additional Information and Resources:
For additional information on the Information Security Summit, please visit us on the web at https://www.informationsecuritysummit.org/ or on Twitter (@InfoSecurSummit). Planning is underway for the Summit 2020 scheduled for October 26 through October 30, 2020, please join us!